We might have come a long way from the Era where wars were common and people used to get into physical fights, however we are in a time where everyone is fighting a war within. Our mental health has seen its worst where people find it hard to even process the emotions and sit with their own feelings. This is where the need to become mentally strong and build resilience has arisen.
Thankfully, we are also living in a time where the subject of mental health is taken seriously by most people. So we can understand that we need some guidance and understanding of our own mental health and fight those evil and hurtful thoughts. There are many books written about mental strength and how to become stronger to bounce back from the setbacks that life throws at us.
If you are looking for books that help you become mentally stronger, then you are at the right place. Here we have selected the top 5 books that will help us to have a strong mindset and build a better mental strength.
1. Mindset
Author: Carol S. Dweck

Mindset by Carol S. Dweck is a must read for everyone who finds themselves questioning their own abilities or not being strong enough to believe in themselves. The book teaches us about two types of mindset, fixed and growth.
The fixed mindset believes we have limited abilities, talent and intelligence while the growth mindset believes we can always grow and develop new skills, become a better version of ourselves, and everything can be achieved through hard work and dedication.
The book illustrates several examples of people’s lives and the author’s extensive research on how much our mindset can impact our lives. One can become stronger by having a strong mindset. So when it comes to reading books to build mental strength, Mindset is definitely one of them!
2. 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
Author: Amy Morin

Amy Morin has done a fantastic job with this book as it is filled with several guides, strong advances, and real life examples of strong people and what they do and don’t do to get the success and achievements that they have.
The author has an interesting take on people and their relationship with handling success and failure. It says people are more afraid of success then the failures which makes people self sabotage and stops their potential. If one wants to have a higher mental strength, then they must embrace changes, allow themselves to deepen their desires, and expand their horizon to grow and learn more.
It’s a must read if you think you have difficulty with changes. It will push you to become stronger and more resilient.
3. Notes to Myself: My Struggle to Become a Person
Author: Hugh Pratherh

This book was written in the 70s and it is as relevant today as it was 5 decades ago. The book portrays the struggle of people to connect with their own self. It allows us to think of our own relationship with ourselves and how we can become a better version by having a meaningful relationship with ourselves.
The hardest thing that we have to do is to accept ourselves just the way we are. Recognize our truths and flaws and accept them. The book was started as a novel but it is one of the best self help books that teaches us to become mentally stronger.
4. Scare Your Soul
Author: Scott Simon

The art of facing our fears and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone can help us grow as a person. This is what Scott Simon has taught us with his brainchild Scare Your Soul.
The author has stated that to become truly covetous and achieve mental strength one should always push their limits and become more resilient. You will read many inspirational theories, the author’s personal experience, and several antidotes that will make you understand how important it is to push beyond our limits and always accept the unknown. In short, don’t be afraid to Scare Your Soul!
5. Awaken the Giant Within
Author: Tony Robbins

The book talks about self mastery and personal empowerment through the renowned self help guru Tony Robbins’s lenses.
Robbins tells us to take charge of our life in the present so that we can have our dream future. The author has mentioned some personal strategies and impactful advice which can help the readers to control their thoughts and emotions to live the life they desire to live. It’s all about having a strong mental strength so that we can connect to our inner soul to unleash our full potential.
All the aforementioned mental strength books are best sellers and will help you get a better understanding of resilience and becoming tougher mentally. With a strong mindset you allow yourself to face all the problems and even fight them to rise again.
These books are the baby steps that everyone should take in order to achieve a strong mindset and build a stronger mental strength. Overall, these books are the must read in today’s time and age where we are all struggling to maintain a good mental health.