Books hold so much power and sometimes they almost seem like magic which works for us to change our lives for the better. But what is so special about books that makes them so powerful? Well, the words have a long lasting impact on our brain, be it good or bad ones. If we choose wisely what we read, hear, and see we can certainly bring some change in our life for good.
There are some books that are considered life changing for readers and that’s what we are going to discuss here. We have selected some of the top 5 books that can change your life, have a look at the following;
1. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
Author: Anne Frank

This is probably the most popular book of all time. People who have read the book feel differently, some feel its tragic others might take it as inspirational, but one thing is sure this book holds the ability to change your life or even your take on life.
Written by a 13 year old, the book tells us how one can hope in hopelessness. Living in the worst condition, waiting for death to come at the door knocking at any time, yet a teenager was hopeful that it all might be okay. Anne’s take on positivity, people’s goodness, and love will melt your heart and make you wonder how can a thirteen year old have so much understanding that we lack in today’s day and age with all the privileges in the world.
There are some books that stay with us for eternity and this is definitely one of them!
2. The Denial of Death
Author: Ernest BeckerĀ

Death is the absolute truth. We may be scared of it, we may find it an unfortunate event, or the idea of death might make us anxious too. But the truth is death is the ultimate truth and it is going to happen.
Ernest Becker, an obscure academic, wrote this book on his deathbed while fighting cancer. He has stated that death can be our biggest motivator. It is death that should inspire us to do great work and achieve something immoral that will outlive our life.
The book changes our lives by making us realize the value of the limited time we have. It is this thought that should motivate us to become better and achieve good. The author took inspiration from existential philosophy, Buddhism, and Freudian Psychology and presented his thoughts in this book of death, life, and motivation.
3. Rich Dad Poor Dad
Author: Robert T. Kiyosaki

If you are fascinated to know that our mind plays a huge role in becoming either rich or poor, then Rich Dad Poor Dad is a classic book to read. It is life changing in the sense that the book compiles the mindset of rich and poor people and how our thoughts can contribute to our wealth as well.
The basic difference between the poor or rich psychology is that the former thinks of money to spend on their wants and needs while the latter thinks of money as a means of earning. While the poor people are all about spending and saving the money, the rich will only invest money to make more money.
This book teaches the basic fundamentals of our mindsets and how we can change to achieve good wealth. The book leaves a mark on our mindset and certainly changes our perception towards money.
4. Start With Why
Author: Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek urges people to look for motivation and purpose of their actions to see the bigger picture with his book, Start With Why.
Sinek suggests before doing anything we should take a moment to ask a simple question of why. Why are we doing this? Why is it important? And why do we want this? These questions would certainly make you see the true purpose of your actions and align ourselves to see the bigger picture. It will also help us to stay resilient and become stronger when it comes to facing setbacks and failures.
5. Stumbling of Happiness
Author: Daniel GilbertĀ

Daniel Gilbert, a Harvard psychology professor has an interesting take on happiness.
Being human, we all are chasing happiness as our end goal. This might not be a realistic goal because happiness is also a feeling like anger, sadness, and even excitement. If you want to stay happy, then you can’t rely on existential events. It’s all about maintaining a happiness level and staying consistent with it no matter what.
The book gives us a better understanding of the happiness that we want in our life in one form or another. But at the end it is in our hands to maintain some kind of happiness throughout our lives.
So these are the popular books that have earned the title of life changing books that everyone must read. It’s on you how you take the teachings of these books and apply them in your daily life. It’s all about taking one step at a time and becoming a better version of yourself everyday. You might not see drastic changes in one day but you will realize the change in your perception and mindset after reading these books.
We hope you love these books as much as we did, so go ahead and buy these amazing books and see how impactful these would be for your life!