Books have all the answers, whether you believe or not, the right book will certainly help you with all the issues and problems you are dealing with. The motivational and self help books are made to help us in a way that no other person can. With these books you get to learn a different perspective of your problems and solve them with a positive attitude as well.
Self doubt is one such problem that we all are dealing with, no matter how confident we look in front of the world. Thankfully there are many books written on Self doubt by renowned psychologists and motivational speakers and some public figures that have overcome their own self doubt. So if you are struggling with self doubts, then these are the top 5 books that might help you…
1. The Gifts Of Imperfection
Author: Brenè Brown

Brenè Brown is a renowned author and motivational speaker, and you must have heard her popular Ted Talk talking about confidence and accepting our authentic selves.
In this book, Brown has put up with her research and personal experience that teaches us to overcome self doubt and insecurities. The book is well written and full of wits, funny liners, and wisdom words. The author tells us to embrace our imperfections and be proud of them as well in order to overcome our self doubts. It also includes a chapter for practicing gratitude and living an apologetic life that allows us to live shame free.
2. Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Author: Susan Jeffers

Self doubt is associated with fear that we feel before taking risks or making a decision, this is what has been discussed in this book. The author states that fear comes naturally to us, it is our duty to overcome it and do what makes us a little scared, after all that’s what taking risk sounds like, right? The book has many strategies that can help its readers to manage and overcome fear.
Fear is a part of our life and human anatomy. We should not try to resist the feeling of fear but learn to live with it and move forward despite feeling fearful or scared to take the next step. This is also related to self doubt and how one can manage it via processing their fear.
3. The Six Pillars of Self Esteem
Author: Nathaniel Branden

This is a highly recommended book to overcome self doubt and boost one’s self esteem. With this book, Brandon has stated the six major pillars of self esteem and how one can practice them in real life to overcome self doubt and insecurities.
The author has talked about the importance of self esteem and how it affects not only our professional but also personal growth and success. You will learn about living consciously and accepting your own self to ultimately live with confidence and resilience. It also teaches us about the responsibility we have to our own self.
4. How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t
Author: Andrea Owen

We all can relate to the title of this book as we all do feel awful at times. Andrea Owen has beautifully written this book with some wit and one liners where she tells its readers to unleash their authentic self and live unapologetically. Here, you will learn about the cycle of self sabotage and how we can conquer our self doubts by dialing down our self criticism.
This book is certainly one of my favorites books on overcoming self doubt. It definitely contains some simple guides and examples that can make us live free of our own judgment and criticism to achieve confidence.
5. Women Who Thinks Too Much
Author: Susan Nolen-Hoeksema

Women are generally more prone to self doubts and overthinking, this is where Susan, a renowned psychologist, has come up with her research and practices and put them all in this book.
Here, the author urges women to break the cycle of overthinking that is driven by insecurity and self doubt. This book helps its readers to calm their mind for a moment and overcome their insecurities that will ultimately help them to accept themselves. It’s certainly a good book to overcome self-doubt for women and accept their flaws and mistakes, and learn to make peace with it.
So these are the 5 top books that can help you overcome your self doubt. Self doubt can be a pretty deal for people and it can also crush our self esteem and confidence which is why we all should address this before it starts to affect our work and personal life. We hope you like these books and they help you overcome your self doubt to become more confident.